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September 22, 2007


It really is a great looking area. Nice pics.

Hey, Ace . . .

You can indeed take your bike on the ferry. In fact, at the new Whitehall terminal in Manhattan, there's a spiffy new bike waiting area at ground level, as well as defined seating and bike parking facilities on the newer boats (which means, most of the boats in service at this time).

There is a movement to build bike and pedestrian walkways on the Verrazano (as per the original design, interestingly enough, which was vetoed by Robert Moses--reportedly fearful of suicide attempts). You can find out more at the TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES site, transalt.org (I think).

In my limited experience of Staten Island thus far it seems to be a nice place for walks and even though I am not a bicyclist my impression on the Sunday afternoons I've been there is that it would be a delightful place to ride as well. I assume one can take one's bike on the ferry?

I wish I wish that we could walk / ride over the Verrazano Bridge.

As a tourist I found the walk from the ferry to your home along this route quite pleasurable. The variety of spaces encountered was pleasant and kept the walk from getting boring through repetition.

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