« The vertical life, or Hill-walking on Staten Island, Part 3 | Main | The vertical life: An afterword »

October 19, 2007


Bill Buryk: First, I want to apologize for the lateness of my reply. Like so many hereabouts, I've been flu-stricken for the past week or so and am just now beginning to climb out of it.

Second, thanks for writing. It means a lot to me that people value the blog, and The Vertical Life series in particular. It's hard to imagine, on this chilly night, that the weather will ever warm again, but when it does I plan to do more Vertical Walking, this time on the hillside where Stapleton and Concord become Grymes Hill.

Please stay tuned.

Just wanted to say hello and that these pictures and comments were a great find for me. I lived for almost 30 years in St. George and know/remember a lot of those places quite well. :D Thanks again!

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