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May 19, 2009


Great work, love pixs, good content, have lots in common. Keep up the good work

God loves an enthusiastic praiser. And so do I.

I love the photographed objects, especially your tubular light and the coal cover. Wonderful!

Thanks very much for the link--and for your generous compliment, Joe.

You didn't mention what I'm about to, so pardon my boosterism if you already know all about the international noshing that goes on, on or very close to Victory Boulevard between St. Marks Place and Cebra Avenue, in restaurants offering home cooking from Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Mexico, West Africa, Poland, Sri Lanka and Albania (pass the Burek, please).

All very Recession-consciously priced.

Hi Dan,

Great post. A couple of months back I read a report by the Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team on the state of the Staten Island Waterfront, specifically on the North Shore. It sounds like something you'd be interested in, though it's possible you've already read it. See here: http://aia.org/aiaucmp/groups/aia/documents/pdf/aias078002.pdf

In somewhat related news, after returning from a trip to Manhattan with my girlfriend this past weekend, I finally took the time to step out of the ferry terminal and walk along the waterfront before heading home. I saw two women playing a makeshift game of tennis, some high school age youth roller blading, and couples strolling by the water. Overall, it made for a very relaxing experience, and shed some light on the many people that call St. George their home.

Keep up the good work.


Good point, Bill--and thanks for making it.

Do you remember a politician named Nick LaPorte (I think he was an assemblyman) who wanted to build an expressway along the waterfront, to "relieve" traffic on Richmond Terrace and the north shore in general?

We can be thankful THAT proposal never went anywhere!

Kinda like Lanza's attempt to resurrect the Secession Follies--a particular brand of snake oil that, at least from what I read of Advance commenters, seems not to be going over so well this time.

Thanks again for writing, Bill.

The waterfront out here is probably more consistently accessible than in any other borough since it is not blocked by any stupid highways.

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