November 01, 2010


Mr. Martin,

Thanks very much for your welcoming words. Forgive the delay, please, in responding.

I hope to post somewhat more regularly now.

Welcome back

The image of you riding on your father's shoulder is a lovely one. You've spoken of him to me many times in the past.

Speaking of working alongside/next to/with another person, the typical working arrangement at the ad agency we both worked at, as you know, was for the writer to work with the art director, side by side. It was my personal hell--relieved, finally, when I began working in branding and corporate identity and could close the office door and be . . . alone.

I collaborate well in shoveling snow or raking leaves, but not as a writer.

it's occurring to me that perhaps the wish for solitude, for the solitary, is an impulse I don't have to resist or reform or moderate or deny . . or even apologize for.

I think it would greatly improve our society if more of its members, especially the young, had the opportunity and impulse to spend some time content in their own company.

As someone who produces a creative product, I've chosen to do it in solitude. I started serious production in the mid 1990's as my second marriage wound down. To this day no one has seen me work - -except for a few brief minutes at intervals when I was staffing SHOW Gallery in 2008 (an experience I found painful and will not repeat). Though some condemn it as anti-social, communication through creative output, as opposed to in person, allows the message to come through, as it is unclouded by conscious, or unconscious, prejudices.

Never underestimate the importance of that product of solitude - journals. After my father passed we found his extensive journals. Reading them is like riding around on his shoulder through his daily life, closer to him than when we lived together. And then there are the entries about me . . .

My father valued his solitude. He spent most evenings in his den with his extensive book collection. Not once did I feel he loved me any less.

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